News & Updates

October 5/2023

Please come join us. All are welcome!

June 30, 2022

On June 14, 2022, the Province lifted all remaining health restrictions for the general public; while some restrictions remain in place for licensed facilities and group care situations. It is anticipated that a further announcement will be coming out later this week which may provide additional information on the requirements moving forward.

On June 17th Parkland CLASS put out an announcement removing masking requirements in certain situations and removed restrictions on eating alone for all its unlicensed services. A further review has been completed and additional COVID restrictions have been lifted effective immediately for unlicensed services. As new information is released from AHS, we will provide additional updates.

We continue with a diligent approach, following AHS guidelines to ensure the health and wellbeing of our individuals and staff.

March 30, 2022

Effective February 8, 2022, the Province launched a three (3) phase approach to lifting COVID-19 restrictions. Phase one became effective February 9, 2022 and Phase two became effective March 1, 2022.

In response to this announcement, Parkland CLASS completed an initial review of its restrictions based on the provincial phases, the current health orders and our internal variables; launching the first 2 phases of our approach on February 25th, 2022.

A further review of restrictions has been completed and we are happy to announce Phase Three (3) will take effect April 1, 2022.

Please click here to review Phase Three

We are encouraged by the noticeable decrease in positive cases across the agency over the past weeks and hope that this trend continues. We will be conducting a further review of restrictions over the next 2 weeks at which time we will review remaining restrictions including meal times, masking, and grocery shopping. We appreciate everyone's dedication and cooperation to keep our individuals and coworkers safe, so we can look forward to more pleasant days ahead.

Thank you, Parkland Management

February 24, 2022

Effective February 8, 2022, the Province launched what it refers to as a three (3) phase approach to lifting COVID-19 restrictions. Alberta entered Step 1 on February 9, and will progress to phase two on March 1, 2022 as long as conditions show the health system's capacity is recovering.

In response to this announcement, Parkland CLASS has completed a review of its own restrictions and will be implementing a similar 3 phased approach based on the provincial phases, the current health orders and our own internal variables.

It is important to note that over the past several weeks, Parkland CLASS has seen a large increase in the number of individuals and staff contracting COVID-19 due to the Omicron Variant. We are sad to say that one of those situations resulted in an individual passing away. It is for this reason that we want to remind people that as we move towards easing of restrictions, it is still important to be mindful that we work with vulnerable individuals; and ask that everyone continue to do their part in assessing their risks when making decisions.

We are encouraged by the noticeable decrease in positive cases across the agency over the past week and hope that this trend continues. We appreciate everyone's dedication and cooperation to keep our individuals and coworkers safe for the remaining days of winter, so we can look forward to more pleasant days ahead.

Thank you, Parkland Management

Click here to see the PHASED Approach

November 26, 2021

Health Canada has approved the use of a child-sized dose of COVID-19 vaccination Pfizer-BioNTech. Following that approval, children in Alberta aged 5-11 are now eligible to receive a COVID-19 vaccination. In order to help parents and guardians of Parkland CLASS make an informed decision regarding vaccinations for their child, we have provided a letter from Dr. Deena Hinshaw here.

November 10, 2021

As you may know, Alberta declared a state of public health emergency on September 15, 2021. As a result, measures to protect the health care system, stop the spread, and increase vaccination rates were implemented. These public health measures were required due to rising cases and hospitalizations. On November 5, 2021, the state of public health emergency was extended to February 15, 2022.

In response to the public health emergency, Parkland CLASS reviewed its COVID-19 restrictions and issued updated guidelines on September 17, 2021. With the changing of seasons and the colder weather approaching, Parkland CLASS has undertaken an additional review of restrictions.

The following bolded changes will take effect immediately:

Indoor Visits:

  • Indoor visits with family are permitted with the following guidelines in place:
    • Each individual can have up to 2 designated visitors identified.
    • Visits are permitted with designated visitors only.
    • indoor visits must be in the individual’s bedroom.
    • only one visitor is permitted at a time (between all individuals).
    • screening must continue to occur upon entry
    • masks must be worn.
  • Individuals who are not vaccinated, will need to receive a rapid test upon return from any extended visits with family (overnight). This will need to be pre-planned when scheduling visits.
  • Indoor social visits continue to be suspended until further notice

All other restrictions implemented on September 17th, 2021 remain in place at this time.

Thank you

Parkland CLASS Management

COVID-19 Restrictions

On May 26, 2021, the Province announced its Open For Summer plan, which outlines how different sectors and activities will be allowed to reopen based on two key benchmarks: COVID-19 immunization rates and the number of Albertans in hospital. Each stage will take effect two weeks after the vaccination and hospitalization thresholds are met.

As a result of this announcement, Parkland CLASS reviewed its current COVID-19 restrictions and developed its own Relaunch Strategy which is based on a gradual return to ‘normal’ activities while still maintaining a level of caution to ensure the health & safety of individuals, staff and families. Factors contributing to the plan include but are not limited to Individual vaccination rates, Provincial restrictions & guidelines, and Individualized Risk Assessments.

On June 9th, 2021, we launched the first Phase of our Relaunch Strategy and on July 1st we launched phase two of our strategy. To date, we continue to see low COVID positive rates among staff and individuals and vaccination rates continue to increase albeit at a lower rate.

Starting August 1, 2021, we will move to Phase Three of our relaunch Strategy which includes the removal of most other restrictions with exception of the following:

● Masks when providing care and when in vehicles

● Masks in common areas (visitors)

● Cleaning protocols

● Staff screening

● Isolation & Quarantine protocols

● Grocery shopping

Take Care & Stay Safe,

Parkland CLASS Management

COVID-19 Restrictions

On May 26, 2021, the Province announced its Open For Summer plan, which outlines how different sectors and activities will be allowed to reopen based on two key benchmarks: COVID-19 immunization rates and the number of Albertans in hospital. Each stage will take effect two weeks after the vaccination and hospitalization thresholds are met.

As a result of this announcement, Parkland CLASS has reviewed its current COVID-19 restrictions and developed its own Relaunch Strategy which is based on a gradual return to ‘normal’ activities while still maintaining a level of caution to ensure the health & safety of individuals, staff and families. Factors contributing to the plan include but are not limited to: Individual vaccination rates, Provincial restrictions & guidelines, and Individualized Risk Assessments.

On June 9th, 2021, we launched the first Phase of our Relaunch Strategy and it appears to be going well. We continue to work towards getting our individuals vaccinated and we are now at 80% who are double vaccinated. Because of this, starting July 1, 2021, we are able to move to Phase Two of our Relaunch Strategy which includes:

  • Shields and gowns will no longer be required in homes unless the home is in isolation.
  • Masks will still be required in the home
  • Masks may be required in community businesses/ environments based on their protocols
  • Indoor activities events such as dining in restaurants and swimming will be permitted
  • Indoor family visits are permitted (up to 4 designated visitors)

As part of the relaunch strategy, an Individual Risk Tolerance Assessment form may be required to ensure we are minimizing risk where possible. A more detailed list of restrictions can be found by clicking on the link below.

Take Care & Stay Safe,

Parkland CLASS Management

Parkland CLASS Relaunch Strategy - Phase Two

Effective June 9, 2021

COVID-19 Restrictions

On May 26, 2021, the Province announced its Open For Summer plan, which outlines how different sectors and activities will be allowed to reopen based on two key benchmarks: COVID-19 immunization rates and the number of Albertans in hospital. Each stage will take effect two weeks after the vaccination and hospitalization thresholds are met.

As a result of this announcement, Parkland CLASS has reviewed its current COVID-19 restrictions and developed its own Relaunch Strategy which is based on a gradual return to ‘normal’ activities while still maintaining a level of caution to ensure the health & safety of individuals, staff and families. Factors contributing to the plan include but are not limited to: Individual vaccination rates, Provincial restrictions & guidelines, and Individualized Risk Assessments.

Over the past several weeks, Parkland CLASS has been working diligently to get our individuals vaccinated. To date, 89% of individuals have received their first dose, with 16% of those individuals now fully vaccinated with their second dose and many more are booked in the coming weeks. With vaccination rates increasing, it is hoped we can move forward in the relaunch plan.

Therefore, effective immediately, we will be implementing Phase One (1) of our Relaunch Strategy which includes, (within guidelines):

  • Introduction of Outdoor activities with another person/cohort
  • Offsite family visits
  • Access to playgrounds and splash parks
  • Elimination of Face shields when outdoors

As part of the relaunch strategy, an Individual Risk Tolerance Assessment form must be completed outlining the details of the activity. This assessment form will then be reviewed to determine if the activity is approved based on the guidelines for each activity.

Parkland Class is excited to see an end in sight. However, now is not the time to lose our focus. We must remain diligent in our approach to ensure that individuals, staff and families remain safe as we gradually return to a new normal.

Take Care & Stay Safe

Parkland CLASS Management

Effective April 19, 2021

Below is a chart that displays and emphasizes the impact that COVID-19 has had on Parkland CLASS, those we serve, and our employees. With the rapidly increasing COVID numbers and variants of concern, as well as the Province's return to much stricter measures, it seems evident that COVID is not yet done with us.

We have had our first staff come back positive with a variant of concern which put two more houses into isolation. Fortunately, the staff is recovering and no one else has tested positive to date. We believe that this is an example of how AHS and our protocols are working. With the variants it is very clear that we were fortunate in this instance, many others have not fared near as well and we are seeing many significant outbreaks in other organizations.

The toll that COVID-19 takes on our employees and those we serve is significant and anything that we can do to reduce the impact and get things back to normal is important. Unfortunately, we have had one individual pass away, one in ICU and several others hospitalized. We have had two hospitalized staff as well. This is a nasty illness and there is no question, it needs to be taken seriously.

Current Positive COVID Cases
Current Positive COVID Cases
Current Isolations Pending
Testing - Individuals
Total Positive Cases to Date - StaffTotal Positive Cases to Date - IndividualsTotal Negative Tests to Date - IndividualsTotal Negative Tests to Date - Staff

As everyone is aware from the news there is increased access to vaccines. If you are eligible, please seriously consider becoming vaccinated. We have not yet had clinics scheduled for our staff or individuals, and have been working within the current guidelines to get all of those we serve vaccinated as they are eligible, and we are encouraging our staff to do the same. The quicker we can get everyone vaccinated the sooner the threat diminishes and our world can return to normal. We are very appreciative of the support and understanding that we have received from those we serve, our staff, (especially those that have gone above and beyond), and our guardians and families.

We are very aware of how challenging and protracted this pandemic has been, we are living it. At one point we had 13 homes in isolation and were barley able to keep them staffed. Please follow the guidelines both at Parkland and in your personal lives, get vaccinated and let’s put this pandemic behind us.

I really do appreciate how difficult this is and continues to be and you have my heartfelt thanks for helping us get through all of the challenges.


Effective April 12, 2021

Parkland CLASS has completed a review of current Agency restrictions with the focus on balancing the health and safety for our individuals and staff, while recognizing the importance of increasing social contacts and individual mental health. Since the start of the year, Parkland CLASS has experienced a surge in COVID positive cases and outbreaks within our services; 68 individuals and staff to date. Unfortunately, this has resulted in the passing of one of our individuals, and the hospitalization of several others. Staffing has also been a challenge as employees are put off to isolate or quarantine, making the staffing of our homes incredibly challenging. In addition, cases of COVID are on the rise in the Alberta, and the Province is now experiencing a surge in Variant cases which are much more transmissible and present with more severe symptoms. As a result, we need to remain cautious in our approach to limit risk for individuals and employees and maintain our ability to safely staff our homes. With these factors is mind, effective April 12th, and for as long as health guidelines and Agency situations permit, outdoor backyard visits with designated family/friends will be considered. Individual circumstances will be reviewed and approved based on level of risk as well as Alberta Health Orders and restrictions.

As we move forward and individuals/ staff are vaccinated, we will continue to review our restrictions to determine if we are able to start reintroducing more activities. As always, we want to encourage the continuous practices of social distancing, hand washing and hygiene, the appropriate use of masks, shields and gowns, maintenance of our cleaning protocols, health monitoring protocols and all of the other preventative strategies that are in place. This will ensure we all stay safe and hopefully result in a faster return to normal activities. Parkland CLASS continues to appreciate the support and understanding of our individuals, staff, guardians, family members and broader community as we continue to navigate the pandemic and keep those we serve and employ safe.

Thank you everyone for your support, understanding and ongoing commitment.

Effective February 22, 2021

Based on the February 19 News Release, our individuals appear to be scheduled for Phase 2 Group C of the vaccination rollout. In anticipation of the vaccination, we have been working diligently to obtain consents from guardians so that we are prepared for the vaccine when it arrives. Our goal is to be ready as soon as we are notified by health that it is our turn in the queue for vaccinations.

With respect to the current visitation rules, we are closely following the AHS guidelines. Currently we have a compounding variable, which relates to the numbers of staff that cross over between our sector and another organisation who experienced a significant outbreak. As a result, we have been dealing with a large number of isolations, up to 16 homes at a time, while we get people tested and await results. This has significantly reduced our staffing compliment and we need to be very diligent in terms of ensuring our staffing resources and team capacity is stable while we navigate these challenging situations. Consequently, prudence becomes a necessity in terms of maintaining our services.

As an organization that serves many vulnerable individuals, we have experienced first hand the very serious medical impacts of COVID-19. We have had and currently have individuals in hospital due to the severity of the symptoms; tragically, we have had one individual pass away.

We are appreciative of the support we have received as we try to balance all of the variables and maintain the safety of those we serve and employ. We trust you can appreciate, that there is no perfect solution. Our goal is the overall safety of those we serve and the staff that are required to provide our services, we are working to balance all of the variables as safely and reasonably as we can. Once we are clear of the current influx of isolations and we see what the Provinces next steps are, we will be reviewing our protocols.

Effective February 8, 2021


Effective February 8, 2021, Alberta launched a new 4-step plan to ease restrictions which are further detailed within Public Health Order CMOH 02-2021. This 4 step plan is based on hospitalization benchmarks and a minimum of 3 weeks between steps. Once hospitalizations are within range of the benchmark, decisions to move to the next step will be considered.

Parkland CLASS’ current measures continue to fall within the restrictions outlined within this Health Order. Therefore, in a continued effort to keep our staff and individuals safe, the following remains in place:

  • Visits inside the home are not permitted. Only staff and individuals are permitted inside the home.
  • Outdoor visits are not permitted.
  • All activities that involve entering a facility, or interacting with people outside the individual’s immediate cohort (group home/roommates), remain suspended until further notice.
  • All specialized Risk Tolerance Assessments are on hold and no new requests will be accepted until the restrictions are lifted.
  • Individuals and staff must wear masks in all public places in Red Deer unless otherwise exempted under the bylaw. To be exempt, please contact your coordinator to review the exemptions as per the bylaw.

Once the province moves into Step two (2) of the plan, Parkland CLASS will review its current measures again to ensure they remain within the Health Orders.

For reference, the 4-step plan is outlined below and can be found on the Alberta Health Services Website.

<600 hospitalizations

<450 hospitalizations

<300 hospitalizations

<150 hospitalizations

Restrictions eased Feb. 8:

  • Restaurants
  • Indoor fitness
  • Children's sport and performance activities

Potential easing in these areas:

  • Retail
  • Banquet halls
  • Community halls
  • Conference centres
  • Hotels
  • Further easing of indoor fitness and children's sport and performance

Potential easing in these areas:

  • Adult team sports
  • Casinos, racing centres and bingo halls
  • Indoor social gatherings, with restrictions
  • Indoor seated events (movie theatres and auditoria)
  • Libraries
  • Museums, art galleries, zoos, interpretive centres
  • Places of worship

Potential easing in these areas:

  • Amusement parks
  • Concerts (indoor)
  • Festivals (indoor and outdoor)
  • Funeral receptions
  • Indoor entertainment centres and play centres
  • Performance activities (singing, dancing and wind instruments)
  • Sporting events (indoor and outdoor)
  • Tradeshows, conferences and exhibiting events
  • Wedding ceremonies and receptions
  • Workplaces (lift working from home)

Effective November 27, 2020

I am sure you are aware the Province has implemented additional restrictions due to the increasing number of positive COVID-19 cases; click here to see Dr. Hinshaw’s most recent correspondence.

Unfortunately, as the numbers have begun to rise, Parkland CLASS has now had our first two staff test positive for COVID-19. Fortunately, we have not had any spread within our homes and as of this weekend our most recent isolated house has obtained an all clear for the individuals and staff.

We have colleagues in the Province that have not been as fortunate and they have had people die. I know that this is the last thing any of us wants to have happen, so please bear with us as we navigate this very difficult time.

I know that everyone is getting tired of COVID-19 and all the restrictions, however I think that what is happening is very clear, let your guard down and the numbers go up. Our Individuals and employees are counting on us to keep them safe and do what is necessary to get us to the point that the vaccine is available. As Premier Kenny said in his recent address, we can see an end in sight; I would ask that you please bear with us as we continue to do our best to keep everyone safe.

Take care, be safe and we will continue to do our best to hold the line against COVID-19.


Dan Verstraete

CEO, Parkland CLASS

Effective November 13, 2020

In response to increasing numbers of COVID-19, the province has issued targeted public health measures in an effort to limit the spread of the virus. These restrictions take effect November 13th and are in place for two weeks until November 27th, 2020.

In order to comply with the measures announced by Premier Kenney and AHS, and ensure we are doing our part to minimize the risk of spreading COVID, Parkland CLASS is implementing the following guidelines which take effect immediately:

  • All visits inside the home are suspended until further notice.
  • All activities that involve entering a facility, or interacting with people outside the individual’s immediate cohort (group home/Proprietorship/ roommates), are suspended until further notice.
  • Activities that include family coming and taking the individual out are suspended.
  • All Specialized Risk Tolerance Assessments currently under review will be considered, but no further risk assessments will be accepted until current restrictions are lifted. Note: current risk assessments will only be approved if they meet the current restrictions as outlined above.

Parkland CLASS is committed to ensuring that we stay up to date on the information being presented and align our practices with the current health orders and guidelines. We will continue to monitor the information being presented and adapt our guidelines as it is warranted and safe to do so. We understand how challenging this is and we are very appreciative of the support and understanding that we have received to date.

Parkland CLASS Management

Effective September 24, 2020

Parkland CLASS has completed a review of our current guidelines taking into account new information received from the latest Health Order from Dr. Deena Hinshaw. Parkland CLASS is committed to ensuring that we stay up to date on the information being presented and adapt our practices with the focus on balancing the health and safety for our individuals and staff, while recognizing the importance of increasing social contacts.

With this is mind, our approach moving forward is to review individual circumstances and determine where more activities and family connections can occur within the risk guidelines recommended by health.

As mentioned in previous updates, our approach is to remain cautious to not undo the great work that our staff have done to date which has resulted in no positive COVID-19 cases for our individuals or staff. As we move forward and people start to reintroduce activities, it is important to continue to practice social distancing, hand washing and hygiene, the appropriate use of masks, maintenance of our cleaning protocols, health monitoring protocols and all of the other preventative strategies that have been effective to date.

Parkland CLASS continues to appreciate the support and understanding of our individuals, staff, guardians, family members and broader community as we continue to navigate our new realities and keep those we serve and employ safe. Our ongoing success is in our hands and we have demonstrated that we know what we need to do. Thank you everyone for your support, understanding and ongoing commitment.

COVID-19 Guidelines

Effective August 11, 2020

Parkland CLASS is working to balance COVID-19 safety for our individuals and staff while recognizing the importance of increasing social contact. Unfortunately, this is not a simple issue, as evidenced by the gradual increase in positive COVID-19 cases as the government's level of restrictions is removed.

Our challenge is not to undo five months of disciplined work, which has resulted in no positive COVID-19 cases for our individuals or staff and has had a limited impact on the majority of our individuals.

A significant challenge, as we increase social opportunities, relates to our homes' physical layout, which does not provide spaces that are easily isolated, ensuring the safety of all the individuals who live in the house and their staff. A further key variable maintaining our individuals' ongoing health will be our reliance on the honour system as we increase social opportunities for our individuals.

With these as our overriding concerns, we ask for your understanding as we increase social interaction opportunities for our individuals and your family members. As stated, our updated plan relies on the honour system and will only be as effective as we all are at following it.

Parkland CLASS is incredibly appreciative of the understanding that those we serve, their guardians, and our staff have shown over the past few months. As an organization, we believe our cautious approach has been instrumental in reducing the risk to our individuals, and we are counting on everyone's continued support as we move forward.

In closing, once again, we offer our sincere appreciation for your support and understanding. Our ongoing success remains dependent on everyone that comes in contact with our individuals and their commitment to following all the safety precautions. We will continue to do our best to protect our individuals and staff as the COVID-19 pandemic continues to unfold

Visitor Guidelines

Effective June 5, 2020

We have seen one new health order from Alberta Health since our last update; CMOH order number 23.

CMOH Order 23-2020 includes amendments from CMOH Order 10-2020:

      • Updated symptoms screening for individuals, staff and visitors
      • Clarity on when new individuals move in
      • Additional clarification with respect to cleaning guidelines
      • Updated information on testing guidelines, and
      • Recommendations with respect to resident outings and recreational activities.

CMOH Order 23-2020 includes new guidelines:

      • Guidelines for accessing health care professionals
      • Student placements
      • Guidelines for hair salons, and
      • Staff well-being

As was discussed in previous updates, we do not fall under the health order, however it is our desire and intent to follow the practices and recommendations within the Health Orders to the extent that we are mandated, and in cases where we are not, to the extent that we can.

In addition to following the guidelines under the health order(s), we are also reviewing the impact of the Provincial Relaunch Strategy. Parkland CLASS’ position has been to be judicious in our approach; not wanting to undo the success to date with keeping our individuals safe. Our individuals are typically more vulnerable than the average person and we don’t want to introduce an outbreak into the organization

With that in mind, our approach moving forward is to cautiously start reintroducing activities and reconnecting our individual’s pre-pandemic lifestyle within the guidelines recommended by health.

Please note that this is going to take time and a cautious approach is, in our opinion, the safest. As we go forward we don’t want to lose sight of the importance of continuing to practice social distancing, hand washing and hygiene, the appropriate use of masks, maintenance of our cleaning protocols, health monitoring protocols and all of the other preventative strategies that have been effective to date.

Effective May 17, 2020

We have seen several developments since our last COVID-19 update that we wanted to share with everyone. Two new orders from Alberta Health; CMOH orders number 12 and 14.

CMOH Order 12-2020 includes amendments from CMOH Order 10-2020:

      • direction to test all residents in a site/unit in the case of a new confirmed outbreak of COVID-19;
      • Clarification on who essential staff are that are permitted to work in more than one designated supportive living or long-term care;
      • Recommendations on continuous use of eye protection in the case of a continued COVID-19 transmission;
      • Additional clarity on when residents move out temporarily (e.g. move in with a child temporarily); and
      • Guidelines for consideration to support quality of life including consideration for those residents living with cognitive impairments.

CMOH Order 14-2020 includes amendments from CMOH Order 09-2020, such as:

      • Clarification with respect to Designated Essential Visitors
      • Outdoor visits
      • Visits at end of life

As was discussed in our last update, one of the main areas of confusion tends to relate to where we fall within the descriptions of services that are referenced in the Health Orders. In many instances we do not fall directly under the orders, however it is our desire and intent to follow the practices and recommendations within the Health Orders to the extent that we are mandated, and in cases where we are not, to the extent that we can.

The new orders have not had a substantive impact on our services as we already had structured practices in place. The bigger potential impact lies in the Provincial Relaunch Strategy. Parkland CLASS' position is that we are certainly pleased to see restrictions easing, as it is hopefully a reflection of COVID-19 starting to recede in terms of the number of new infections and it is a testament to everyone that is working hard to comply with the Health Orders and practices to limit the spread of the disease.

However, we want to be very cautious and not undo all of the success that we have had to date keeping everyone safe. Our individuals are typically more vulnerable than the average person and we don’t want to introduce an outbreak into the organization. With that in mind our approach is going to be slow and steady. We are very interested to see what the numbers look like after the May long weekend. This view is shared by PDD and Health is also keeping a close eye on how things progress.

We will be working with the Alberta Health guidelines and slowly reintroducing activities and reconnecting with more of our individual’s pre-pandemic life style as it becomes clear that the relaunch is not resulting in increased numbers of COVID cases.

Please note that this is going to take time and a cautious approach is, in our opinion, the safest. We have been told and are expecting that some restrictions will continue to be in place for quite some time. As we go forward we don’t want to lose sight of the importance of continuing to practice social distancing, hand washing and hygiene, the appropriate use of masks, maintenance of our cleaning protocols, health monitoring protocols and all of the other preventative strategies that have been effective to date.

Have a great long weekend. Let’s keep moving forward and maintaining our past practices that have kept both those we serve and all of us safe to this point. We will be encouraging activities that can be enjoyed at home, in the yard, or in areas that are not heavily trafficked. We will keep you updated as we work toward ensuring that everyone has a fun and safe summer. The reality is that this is not a quick fix and until we have an effective treatment or a vaccine, caution and common sense need to prevail.

Effective April 27, 2020

We wanted to provide an update on where we are currently at with COVID-19 and the newest Health Orders from Dr. Hinshaw. One of the main areas of confusion tends to relate to where we fall within the descriptions of services that are referenced in the Health Orders. The following chart that Alberta Council of Disability Services ACDS has developed shows this very well:

Restricting Visitors to Parkland CLASS Residences and ILS Services

Visits from family and friends are an important part of the lives of the individuals we serve. At the same time, COVID-19 has been demonstrated to be a particular risk to older adults and those with heart or lung disease, or multiple chronic conditions; Public Guardians and Trustees announced yesterday that in person visits are no longer being scheduled. The restriction of people who enter each residence is an important step we can take to protect our individuals and staff, and reduce the risk of spreading COVID-19. Therefore:

We are asking that all visitors, including immediate family, refrain from visits until further notice to prevent unintentional spread to their loved one and other individuals and staff in the home.It has been shown that even those who show no symptoms of COVID-19 may be carrying the virus and be contagious to others.

  • Exceptions to this directive will be subject to approval by the Residential Manager or Director. Approved visitors will be required to pass the AHS Visitor Screening Questionnaire.

Our goal is to minimize the risk of infection to our individuals and staff. We believe this measure will reduce the risk of loved ones and other individuals and staff being exposed to COVID-19.If you have questions, concerns, or to request an approved visit, call Nancy at 403-348-9649 or Renee at 403-877-5772.

Thank you for your understanding and cooperation.

Dan Verstraete, CEO, Parkland CLASS

AHS Visitor Screening Questionnaire:


Do you have any of the below symptoms:


  • Fever (greater than 38 degrees)



  • Cough



  • Shortness of breath/breathing difficulties



  • Other symptoms such as muscle aches, fatigue, headache, sore throat, runny nose, diarrhea. Note: symptoms in young children may be non-specific – e.g. lethargy, poor feeding




Have you travelled outside of Canada in the last 14 days?




Have you had close contact (face-to-face contact within 2 meters/6 feet) with someone who is ill with cough and/or fever?




Have you been in contact in the last 14 days with someone that is being investigated or confirmed to be a case of COVID-19?




Have you had laboratory exposure while working with specimens known to contain COVID-19?



If you have answered “Yes” to any of the above questions, please DO NOT visit, or request a visit at this time.

If you have answered “No” to all the above questions and your visit is approved, follow the direction of the staff and practice hand hygiene (wash hands for 30 seconds and/or use hand sanitizer) before and after your visit.

Effective March 15, 2020

Parkland School COVID-19 Update
Following the Government of Alberta's announcement that student attendance at all K to 12 schools is prohibited, Parkland School is closed to all students with immediate effect (March 15th).
The school remains open to staff at this time.

Effective March 13, 2020

Parkland CLASS COVID-19 Update

In keeping with the advice of health authorities, Parkland CLASS is moving forward with steps to limit potential exposure of individuals and staff in an effort to minimize the risk of coming in contact with others who may have the virus:

  • We have suspended activities at our Relax Crew Social Club
  • We will be reducing outings within the community and focusing on experiences close to home.
  • Individuals that we feel are particularly fragile or vulnerable from a health status will have their activities/bridging altered to reduce exposure to potential corona virus.

We understand how difficult a time this is and our goal is the health and safety of those we serve and our employees. Thank you for your understanding as we work through and support each other during this challenging situation.

Dan Verstraete, CEO

Parkland Community Living and Support Society

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